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Necole F. Turner is a professor, legal researcher and writer, wife and mother of two from a small town in Alabama. She spent most of her life trying to find her place and purpose in life while working in various fields to help support and nurture her family. Turner eventually found that in teaching she was able to motivate and inspire students to become their best. Ultimately, she took to her journal and wrote Reflections of the Butterfly: Affirmations for Empowerment, her first book to empower others to “transform” into whom they were meant to be. In her spare time, she enjoys exercising, watching home renovation shows, being a fanatical college football fan and spending time with her husband and two sons. She and her family reside in Atlanta.


Being sparked with the curiosity about female relationships, their many dynamics and using her own experiences as a backdrop, Necole penned Reflections of the Butterfly: Affirmations for Empowerment to provide encouragement for many who have been frustrated by failed friendships. Finding that the start of successful relationships begins with a positive self-image, Turner became motivated to help women become more aware of their uniqueness and beauty. In the book, she highlights the journey to self-discovery and that there will be pivotal moments of pain, solitude, and joy that lead to becoming that beautiful “Butterfly.”

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